‘Counselling gave me a greater feeling of self worth and ways to deal with stressful situations. I found the whole experience an eye opening one and have nothing negative to say about it’
‘It was a safe space to discuss my problems – no topic was too controversial or awkward. I wish there were more Green Oaks in Shropshire!’
‘I have become more confident and it helped me to do things and speak up and take control of things in my life instead of feeling used by people. Thank you.’
‘I felt really comfortable discussing with my counsellor. Flexible appointment times were useful.’
‘I valued being in a safe, calm environment with someone who is not directly involved in my day to day life that I can talk to about anything.’
‘I was made to feel comfortable to be able to talk’.
‘I must admit I was unsure about receiving counselling like so many people who think it is a waste of time, but I was so wrong it was what got me through so many trying times.’
‘It gave my partner and I the opportunity to focus on ourselves without distraction and the guidance to do so. Having to really talk and to really listen again. It put us back on the right path, together. Thank you.’
‘It made myself and my husband closer and stronger’.
‘It was a place to speak freely without fear of judgement or retaliation, thank you, I hope the Foundation continues to help people as I have been helped’.
‘…improved my confidence, realising I’m not to blame for things’.
‘Speaking to someone impartial was helpful, getting all my worries and concerns out’.
‘……it helped me to find my way’.
‘I found having a non clinical setting really helpful and relaxing, plus the non structured nature of the sessions’.
‘Finally feeling as though I understand what is going on in my own head and realising that it’s ok to feel that way’.
‘….learning to step back from situations’.
‘Green Oak gave me a safe space to spill my concerns and emotions.’
‘Thank you for the non judgmental listening so that I could deal with the past hurts and find a healthier way forward.’